
Showing posts from March, 2010

Watch This: Werner Herzog Is 'Plastic Bag' - Cinematical

Plastic BAGS are a BIG PROBLEM! You should never leave home without a reusable shopping bag! Ban plastic bags out of your life! It all starts with you! Thank you for making a difference! Watch This: Werner Herzog Is 'Plastic Bag' - Cinematical

YouTube - ONE person can make a difference...what are YOU waiting for?

Think different

YouTube - Think different

Confidence is everything

Confidence is everything impossible is nothing! The Difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination. Impossible is NOTHING! What ever your dream is... GO FOR IT!

YouTube - Labour - New Zealand now pro-whaling country

YouTube - Labour - New Zealand now pro-whaling country

Women ONE2ONE | Thank you

Women ONE2ONE | Thank you Help end mother to child transmission of HIV One Person Can Make a Difference.... In the last century, a great deal has changed for many women. But for those in developing countries change has not been so swift - an estimated 70% of people living in poverty are female and unbelievably every minute a woman dies in childbirth. But we can change this. Our first step is something that sounds remarkable, but according to health experts is possible: ending mother to child transmission of HIV. Next week The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is meeting and we want to send them a clear message of encouragement. Join me and sign the petition at: This year is going to offer us the best possible chance to make a difference and we need as many people as possible to help. Thank you,

All the lonely people....where do they all belong?

 Scientific American Story about social networks and what they do to you opened my eyes about the problem of all the lonely people! Loneliness is a social phenomenon within society and can spread through it like a disease... thats why i started the group for all the lonely people! One person can make a difference.. YouTube - The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby All the lonely people....where do they all belong.... I think that one Person Can Make A Difference for all the lonely people thats why i have started a new Facebook Group Please join if you are feeling lonely or if you care about helping lonely people...... This group is for all the lonely people Loneliness is a feeling in which people experience a strong sense of emptiness and solitude. Loneliness is often compared to feeling empty, unwanted, and unimportant. Someone who is lonely may find it hard to form strong interpersonal relationships. Loneliness is the deficit between what you have and what you want....